Halfway to NeitherNor

My first Animal Crossing was New Leaf. I played it regularly from 2013-2015 in a town I called Halfway. My native fruit were pears and I had one villager that I kept from day one, Vladimir, that I’ve been trying to find in New Horizons. I was able to find Sydney, my other longstanding villager, and planted a pear tree in her yard in honor of Halfway.
Two things I especially miss from ACNL are the squeaky hammer and the Tortimer Island tours.

I downloaded New Horizons on release day in 2020 and moved onto an island I called NeitherNor. I had to tell my roommates to leave me some material because Some Of Us Are Trying To Build A Store and they hit all the rocks while I was at work. We had a grand time running around together and seeing how the others decorated their houses.
They stopped playing eventually, but not me. I restarted my island at one point, but got unreasonably annoyed at the fact I now had a green airport instead of a blue one. At the beginning of 2023 I decided, armed with knowledge, to recreate NeitherNor, but with a plan this time. Sort of. I’m still winging it a bit.
NeitherNor v.3

Native apples and windflowers, orange airport, 2023 onwards.
New for this island: access to Happy Home Paradise.
Villager who's never leaving: Genji.
NeitherNor v.2

Native cherries and hyacinths, green airport, 2021-2022.
Features I retained: planned neighborhood, amusement park.
Villager I want back: Walt.
NeitherNor v.1

Native peaches and hyacinths, blue airport, 2020-2021.
Features I've retained: bamboo forest, boardwalk.
Villager I want back: Lucky.