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KH20th Project

I began this project in 2022 for the 20th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts. I originally envisioned it as a calendar featuring every named character in the series (as of Nov. '21) wearing outfits from KHUX. I am still working my way through a few of the pieces, but the chibis are finally complete as of January 2025! The banners will take you to each month's page.

Banner for January chibis and illustration. Banner for February chibis and illustration. Banner for March chibis and illustration. Banner for April chibis and illustration. Banner for May chibis and illustration. Banner for June chibis and illustration. Banner for July chibis and illustration. Banner for August chibis and illustration. Banner for September chibis and illustration. Banner for October chibis and illustration. Banner for November chibis and illustration. Banner for December chibis and illustration.